What Did TorontoGameDevs.com Patreons Get In September?

As a friendly reminder, I thought I would show what Patreons of TorontoGameDevs got in the month of September, a month btw that was cut in half by a trip to Tokyo.

If you contribute 3 dollars a month, you get early access to exclusive stories.  This month I interviewed Alex from 13AM Games at Tokyo Game Show about Runbow being released in Japan.

If you contribute 5 dollars a month, you get a chance at some locally developed games.  Shane McCafferty was kind enough to provide all of our patreons with copies of Starseed on iOS.  

The gang over at Cococummber was also kind enough to provide some codes for Planet of the Eyes on steam.  While not everyone got one, more than half did.

Interested in becoming a Patreon? Just hit up our page and help with website costs. I'm working hard on providing a lot of content and prizes for October. Any questions or suggestions? Hit up the comments section below.