Countdown To Bit Bazaar: The Hum Beneath Us

Continuing with our countdown to Bit Bazaar, we'll take a look at The Hum Beneath Us from Patrick Rainville & Beccy David. This is actually the first time I've heard of the game, and I'm excited to get a closer look next week at the event. Check out the chilling trailer below!

Arise, Be, Subside. The cataclysmic event that sunk Oessa, agricultural hub of the Pentach archipelago, has left the remaining islands in disarray. Tasked with meeting the needs of the Oessan refugees, prized hunting ship Dalud'maar sets its course southward towards the Levinyann, mighty sea serpents of legend. A single bountiful hunt would guarantee prolonged nourishment and sustenance to those who have lost everything. Aramala is the newest and youngest member of the Dalud'maar crew. A stranger to life at sea, she finds herself thrust in the crucial role of second musician; a job she never expected aboard a ship she had hoped to stay away from. Feel the cold wind blowing strong and listen to... THE HUM BENEATH US

Make sure to follow development of the game on the official tumblr here.