Episode 25 - #BretWasRight

A special podcast, given that it's The Great Ham Jam right now, and it's Episode 25! Seems so long ago since Episode 1.  Apologies for any tapping, or any back end noise...the set up wasn't ideal.

Here's to the next 25!


Episode 23 - Steve Is The Only One That Loves The Vita

Hey everyone! Sorry for the delay in getting the podcast up. On this week:

Make sure to check out Jake who did our intro, and Dan who did the outro.  Let us know in the comments what you think and rate us on iTunes!

Episode 10 - Player 3 (Dan) Enters The Match

Episode 10! The big 1-0! Double Digits!

To celebrate our milestone, Dan Rodrigues joined Bret and I to chat about kids shows, Runbow, sound design in general and more.  As always, Dan did the outro and the intro was provided by Jake Butineau.  This week included: 

Thanks to Dan for joining us! Make sure to follow him on Twitter. Let us know in the comments what you thought of this weeks episode!