What Did TorontoGameDevs.com Patreons Get In October?

I made a post back in September advertising what Patreon's got in September, and now it's time to go over what they got in October.

The biggest change, is starting with Episode 10, all podcasts will be available a day earlier. Patreon's will get it Sunday night (or earlier if we record earlier), while everyone else gets them Monday.  This is for all podcasts going forward, it's only 3 dollars a month to get them early.

For interviews I got the chance to interview independent developer Meagan Byrne about her game Wanisinowin|Lost.

I was also able to give some codes of Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition from DrinkBox Studios, and Cryptark from Alientrap.

You can help support TorontoGameDevs.com by contributing to our Patreon, any and all help is appreciated.