Longbow Games Announces Golem - Coming To Steam This Year

The developers of the Hegemony series have announced a new game coming to Steam this year - Golem. The 2d platformer will have you play as an "adventurous girl and her "ever-changing companion" as you solve puzzles.

No one knew who built the ancient tower that loomed beside the coast. She figured water must once have flowed down its giant aqueducts into her village, but even her grandfather couldn’t remember seeing the mill’s old water wheel turn. These days it was the job of her and the other children to travel out to the tower and collect what little water bubbled up from the ground in the caves beneath it. But everything was about to change when she found the orb glowing beneath the puddles and the hidden tower door slowly opened.
— http://store.steampowered.com/app/646010/Golem/

The first trailer for Golem from Longbow Games coming to PCs Fall 2017. Golem is a puzzle-adventure game that follows the journey of an adventurous young girl and her ever-changing companion as they form a unique friendship while solving the puzzles of an ancient tower that may hold the answers to both their fates.

Make sure to follow the team on Twitter, and add the game to your wishlist on Steam.

Recent And Upcoming Releases

With the announcement today of Lovers From A Dangerous Spacetime being released September 9th, we figured it was a good time to have a summary news post to go over all the recent and upcoming releases, since there have been so many.  So here they are! If I have missed one, make sure to let me know!


N++ - PS4 - July 28th - Buy it here!

the Castle Game - PS4 - August 4th - Buy it here!

Actual Sunlight - PSVita - August 11th - But it here!


Gastrobots - iOS - August 20th

Knight & Damsel - Steam, Ouya - August 20th

Planet of the Eyes - PC - August 24th

Hegemony III: Clash of the Ancients - PC - August 25th

Runbow - Wii U - August 27th

Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime - Xbox One/PC/Mac - September 9th - Preorder It Here!

Fate Tectonics - PC/Mac - September 9th

StarSeed - iOS - Mid-September

Lots of great stuff coming out of Toronto! Congratulations to all the developers, and stay tuned to TorontoGameDevs.com for the latest!

Hegemony III: Clash of the Ancients Coming August 25th

Longbow Games announced today that their strategy game Hegemony III: Clash of the Ancients will be coming to Steam later this month:

"The Battle for the Ancient World has Begun! Centuries before Caesar, Alexander or Philip, the forested hills and rocky coasts of ancient Italy draw cultures from across the Mediterranean with promises of wealth and prosperity. Bronze-clad hoplites from the powerful Greek city-states set sail across the Adriatic to carve out bridgeheads of Hellenic culture amongst the native Italic hill tribes, while aggressive bands of Gallic Skirmishers make the trek South across the Alps in search of fertile new land. And along the marshy banks of the Tiber river, a small upstart city called Rome battles for independence from the established Etruscan confederacy.

But only one faction can rise to become the greatest empire the Mediterranean has ever seen. Will Rome fulfil its destiny to rule the ancient world or will history be rewritten to forge a new Etruscan, Gallic, or Greek hegemony!"

Command armies, manage resources, and build an empire in this real-time strategy wargame from Longbow Games. Will Rome fulfil its destiny to rule the ancient world or will history be rewritten to forge a new Etruscan, Gallic, or Greek hegemony!

The game launch August 25th with a 10% launch discount, as well as a 20% discount for those who own their earlier games Hegemony Gold or Hegemony Rome. Make sure to check out the Steam page to purchase the game.